Cav. Renzo Martin and Ugo Albertini organised an Italian Golf Association match with the 'Jersey Boys'.  The competition took place on the 16th November at The Royal Jersey Gold Club, followed by  a lunch and auction.  The total raised was £1,500.00
A raffle was organised by the Manager of the Dolphin Hotel, Avelino, for the Patrons of the bars. This raised a grand some of £850.
Bringing our Total raised so far to £9,429.12 as of January 2017
We would like to thank all those involved, for their time and efforts in raising these funds for the Earthquake Appeal.
If any of you have not managed to contribute yet, there is still time to give a donation either on-line or at the bank.

Nome del conto: Circolo Italiano Jersey - Earthquake Appeal
Number of the account: 67247121
 Sort code  601203 




We would like to give a great big thank you to the Co-Op and the Grande Marche St Helier for allowing us to fund raise for the Terremoto in Central Italy.

The following helpers enabled the days to run smoothly, and we have managed to raise £1,121.08. - Thank you Co-Op and Thank you helpers.


06 October 2016
Total Money raised so far £7,079.12
Tuesday St Peter's Co-op

Franco Giumini
Gary Jones
Carlo Allegra
Trish Davey
Alvaro and Carol Bernardini
Nadia and Daniela Canestro
Angelo Saccone 

Tuesday Grand Marche St Helier 

Natalino Martini
Giovanni and Maria Venticinque 
Rosemary Saccone and Jo
Lino and Nina di Meo
Fina and Amelia Jones
Angelo Saccone 

Wednesday Grande Marche St Helier

Adriano Angelini
Leana and Rob D'Orleans
Fina and Gary Jones
Lynsey and Renzo Achler
Gianni and Maureen Seva
Angelo Saccone and Mirto Sappe


If any of you have not managed to contribute yet, there is still time to give a donation either on-line or at the bank.

Nome del conto; Circolo Italiano Jersey - Earthquake Appeal
Number of the account: 67247121
 Sort code  601203 

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©Circolo Italiano Jersey